Employers must update or reverify certain ID documents at or prior to their expiration date. Passports or Permanent Resident Cards when they reach their expiration date, nor to any List B documents (e.g., state driver’s licenses and state IDs). The USCIS website, in the Employer section, Employer Bulletins, lists the limited requirements and allowed instances for reverification. This date is the actual date you complete Section 2 by examining the documentation your employee presents and signing the certification. In certain cases, employees can present an acceptable receipt for List A, B, or C documents.
With US Legal Forms the whole process of creating legal documents is anxiety-free. A powerhouse editor is right close at hand providing you with various useful tools for submitting a USCIS I-9. The following tips, with the editor will guide you through the entire process. The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (“OSC”) is a section within the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division that enforces the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA”). The OSC can help workers by calling employers and explaining proper verification practices and, when necessary, by providing victims of discrimination with charge forms. Upon receipt of a charge of discrimination, OSC investigations typically take no longer than seven months.
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Only employers located in Puerto Rico may complete the Spanish-language version of Form I-9 instead of the English-language version. Any employer may use the Spanish-language form and instructions as a translation tool. Employers must retain all completed pages of Form I-9 for a designated period and make them available for inspection by authorized government officers. Employees who supply an item from List C (to establish employment eligibility) must also supply an item from List B (to establish identity). Employees who supply an item from List B (to establish identity) must also supply an item from List C (to establish employment eligibility). If an employee cannot read or cannot write in English, a translator or preparer may complete the form and sign it on behalf of the employee.
- In certain cases, employees can present an acceptable receipt for List A, B, or C documents.
- An authorized representative can be any person you designate, hire, or contract with to complete, update, or make corrections to Section 2 (or 3) on your behalf.
- The employee must then sign and date the form, attesting that they are eligible to work in the US.
- Use Form I-9 to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States.
- U.S. citizens who have lost their social security card can apply for a duplicate at the Social Security Administration.
- You are not required to update Form I-9 when your employee has a legal name change.
Such a change may call into question your continued ability to rely on the documents your employee previously presented, as they reasonably relate to the employee. These steps may include asking the employee to provide documentation of a legal name change to keep with their Form I-9, so that your actions are well-documented if the government asks to inspect this employee’s Forms I-9. Unless reverification does not apply (for the situations stated above), then when your employee’s employment authorization or employment authorization documentation expires your employee must present unexpired documents from either List A or List C showing authorization to work.
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As an employer, you or your authorized representative must examine the documentation your employee presents, complete Section 2 and sign and date the form. All U.S. employers are required to ensure they have a complete and proper Form I-9 for each individual hired for employment in the United States. If an employee presents acceptable List A documentation, do not ask them to present List B or List C documentation.
Also, the hyperlink on the main Form I-9 webpage returns you to the Instructions above. Turning to paperless is the only way to save your time for more crucial activities in the digitised age. It provides staff to speak at outreach events throughout the country, and has free informational brochures, posters and tapes for distribution. You may use additional blocks on new i 9 forms for 2017 this supplement for subsequent reverifications or updates, attaching additional supplement sheets as needed. When completing Supplement B, you must also complete the last name, first name and middle initial fields at the top of the page. 1 Reason offers payroll services with our great service and straight forward pricing to meet just about every business’ needs.
Documentation for proof of identity or employment authorization
Employers must use Form I–9 to verify the identity and employment authorization of their employees. This Notice contains the dates of both the prior version and the new version of Form I–9 that employers may use, as well as the date when the prior https://www.bookstime.com/articles/enrolled-agent-exam version will become obsolete. This section requires that the employer describe the documentation the employee provided to verify their employment status. Employers must complete this section within three days of the first day of employment.
All U.S. employers must properly complete Form I-9 for every individual they hire for employment in the United States. Both employees and employers (or authorized representatives of the employer) must complete the form. The employee must also present his or her employer with acceptable documents evidencing identity and employment authorization. U.S. citizens and all work authorized individuals are protected from document abuse. The employee must also present their employer with acceptable documents as evidence of identity and employment authorization. The employer must examine these documents to determine whether they reasonably appear to be genuine and relate to the employee, then record the document information on the employee’s Form I-9.
Preventing Discrimination
Employers are legally required to retain a copy of the completed and signed I-9 forms. Be sure to file them away so they are easily accessible if you need to reference them. Employers must maintain Forms I–9 for as long as an individual works for the employer and for the required retention period after the termination of an individual’s employment (either 3 years after the date of hire or 1 year after the date employment ended, whichever is later). Also, employers must make their employees’ Forms I–9 available for inspection upon request by officers of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER) in the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, and the Department of Labor. An employer’s failure to ensure proper completion and retention of Forms I–9 may subject the employer to civil money penalties, and, in some cases, criminal penalties. In the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), employers have had to complete Form I-9 CNMI for every employee hired for employment in the CNMI from Nov. 28, 2009 to Nov. 27, 2011.